Classroom Rules 2023-2024
Mrs. Siekman
- Follow the Falcon 5 – Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Include Everyone, and Be Engaged!
- Be on time. If you are not in the room when the bell rings, you are tardy!
- Be responsible. Work needs to be turned in on time.
- Be prepared. Come to class prepared for each day. Bring the materials needed and your finished work. You will also need your planner each day.
- Be respectful. Respect each other's space and belongings. You also need to respect the things in the room. We need to take care of them.
- No one talks when I am talking. You need to be listening at this time. Raise your hand and when called on, everyone will listen to you.
- No one leaves the room during teaching time.
- Restroom breaks and drinks need to be taken care of before you get in the room. Only emergencies will leave the room.
- No food in the room. Gum will be permitted unless it becomes a problem.
- Use polite speech and body language.
- Cell Phones – cell phones need to be put away. Your phone needs to be out of sight. If you have your phone out without permission, you will be asked to put it in the phone holder. If that is an issue, the phone will be sent to the office.
- Do not cheat! Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a call home!
- Hand in work that is neatly done. Take pride in the job that you do!
- Stay on task during class time. Our time is short, make the most of it!