Science 8 Links
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Unit 1 - Change Over Time
- Module 1 - Geologic Time
- Lesson 1 - Analyzing the Rock and Fossil Records
Science 8 Unit 1 Mod 1 Lesson 1 Notes
- Lesson 2 - Building a Time Line
Science 8 Lesson 2 Notes - Building a Time Line
- Module 2 - Natural Selection and Adaptations
Lesson 2 Notes - How Traits Change
Lesson 2 Notes - Genetics and Punnett Squares
- Lesson 2 - The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Virtual Lab - How are Traits Passed from Parents to Offspring?
- Lesson 3 - Artificial Selection
- Module 3 - Evidence of Evolution
- Lesson 1 - Fossil Evidence of Evolution
- Lesson 2 - Biological Evidence of Evolution
Virtual Lab - Classifying Using Biotechnology
Unit 2 - Energy and Motion
- Module 1 - Forces and Motion
- Lesson 1 - Position and Motion
Virtual Lab - Motion and Momentum - How Does Horizontal Motion Affect Vertical Motion?"
- Lesson 2 - Force and Acceleration
- Lesson 3 - Force Pairs
Virtual Lab - Motion, Forces and Simple Machines
- Lesson 4 - Gravitational Forces
-Module 2 - Mechanical Energy
- Lesson 1 - Kinetic Energy
- Lesson 2 - Potential Energy
- Lesson 3 - Conservation of Energy
PhET - Energy Skate Park Basics
Word of the Day List - Inquiry
Word of the Day List - Physical Science 1
Word of the Day Memory Game - Physical Science 1
Mineral Info Card Requirements
Word of the Day - Memory Game - Physical Science II
Word of the Day List - Physical Science
Life Science Words 1 Memory Game
Memory Game - Life Science II Words
Life Science Word List - Group 2
Earth Science I Word of the Day Memory Game
Earth Science II Word of the Day Memory Game