Preschool Information
Preschool Information - FAQ
Please consult the Preschool Handbook (2024-2025) for more detailed information.
If you have any further questions, please contact Larissa Travis at 402-359-2151.
What is the goal of preschool?
Our goal is to nurture the growth of the whole child by providing an atmosphere that fosters cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and speech and language development. We strive to provide an environment where each child will develop skills at his/her own rate. The program is committed to a philosophy that accepts and meets each child where he or she is in development. To help meet these goals, the guidelines provided by the State of Nebraska and Teaching Strategies Gold are implemented daily within the curriculum. While enrolled in the program your child will work with our certified and experienced teachers and staff. The daily routine will allow for children to learn from play, building their social-emotional skills.
When can my child attend preschool?
Children are preschool eligible when they are three or four years old on or before July 31st by the school year. DC West gives priority to some students, based on disability status, age, and district of residency. Please read here for the Priority Rationale.
Is there a cost?
Tuition is $165 per month. Meals are included in the price of monthly tuition.
Reduced tuition is available based on income guidelines. This also requires a free and reduced meal application. Special education student fees are paid by federal/state government funds. Special Education students pay for their meals, according to free/reduced federal guidelines. To apply for reduced tuition, click here.
What is the schedule?
Preschool has two half-day sessions.
The morning session runs from 7:50 AM to 11:15 AM. Breakfast is served in the morning session.
The afternoon session runs from 12:00 PM to 3:24 PM. Lunch is served in the afternoon session.
A more specific classroom schedule is available here. Preschool is in session Monday-Thursday.
What does my child need to bring?
Is transportation available?
Transportation within the DC West district boundaries is available for students receiving special education services.
What should I do if I have concerns with my preschool-age child’s development?
Please contact the preschool about your concerns. A comprehensive special education evaluation can be conducted to determine if your child qualifies for special education services under one of the 13 disability categories.